The Artificial Museum is an international research environment...

Augmenting the world with new ideas for change and forming the cultural heritage of the future.

the museum

Artist: Ilkahn, Photo: SystemKollektiv

At its core, the Artificial Museum challenges the status quo and redefines the art museum, rethinking the questions:


what is art and who perceives it?

Platform as a tree graph

The public space is becoming more and more regulated and commercialized. It becomes abundandly clear that the entire world has already been sold. In 2020, in response to this realisation, we built

the Artificial Museum. It is a digital landscape of gps-anchored augmented reality artifacts and a means of reclaiming the public space.

As an artist run space, our 'building' is being expanded through public participation, it is inscribed anywhere and without boundaries. Thus, enabling a new form of art communication: Making virtual art tangible and accessible.

our mission

We create, procure, research, distribute, and preserve art in public space.

  • Create

    We manifest art as a digital expression and representation of real and imaginary phantasms. These artifacts are not meant to be replicas. With the unique possibilities of mixed reality, art can come alive and give the viewer a multidimensional experience.

  • Procure

    We work with artists, collectives and institutions to commission works for our collection. We regularly organize educational workshops where we teach the basics of creating artifacts for the Artificial Museum.

  • Distribute

    Our web app is the hub of our network and offers artists, collectives, institutions and visitors the opportunity to create, collaborate, contribute, connect and collect.

  • Research

    When you build something that doesn't exist, there are always new concepts to explore. Our research in the field of mixed reality includes: Interactivity, representation of analog artworks as digital artifacts, gaming experiences in augmented reality, and creation and production processes for digital artifacts.

  • Preserve

    The Artificial Museum aims to create a publicly accessible and permanent archive, preserving moments and objects as artifacts that defy time and serve as permanent virtual monuments.

We need no space, time is irrelevant, objects stay as useful as the user.

Photo: Suchart Wannaset, Artifact: Anna Vasof
  • Photo: Mandy Knospe

    Who are we?

    The museum is founded, maintained and curated by the "SystemKollektiv", an association of artists and makers with the aim of changing our shared environment through art and technology.

  • More about SystemKollektiv


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